Definitely the cleverest. I'm still surprised one of us (okay me) didn't snap the steering wheel right off after some of those grades. So. Much. Laughing. #AirRide4Evah

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Or in Seliš …weʔwi

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Fancy font there, BS ;-) This is one Seliš animal name I can call to mind pretty easily, though it's not automatic. Yet.

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I love that you wrote a lesson about bird calls! They definitely have the right white lady for your job.

I love the progression of bird songs that fill my back yard in the spring and summer. (We live on opposite sides of town, you on the North (eastish) side and me on the south west side). I feed so we have chickadees all winter, then flickers, robins, occasional meadow larks, and now the evening grosbeaks. Some springs I am lucky to get western tanagers, sometimes by the flock. Then cedar waxwings. If there is a cool, wet spring with lots of aphids on the neighbor's tree line, my yard sounds like an aviary.

Although my heart (son and grand daughter) now live in Utah, I stay because of my backyard. It is my favorite place.

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The tanagers are awesome!

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I now know one Crow word. sounds like Bow a cheeta. Only with an El at the end. Thanks.

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