I'm wayyyyyy north in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada and we've gone as low as -47°F this week (before counting in wind chill). I have a Canada Goose onesie snowsuit that is ridiculous but also fantastic for our deep, deep cold spells. There's a layer of anxiety like a fog through town, everyone worrying about pipes freezing and propane for furnaces gelling* and cars starting. *Yep, like propane gas solidifying and then not flowing and therefore not running the furnace...didn't know that could happen until I moved here.

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I need to know more about this Canada Goose onesie snowsuit.

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Canada Goose describes it as follows: Developed for Arctic oil rig workers, this coverall provides ultimate cold-weather protection ideal for the harshest environments on the planet. https://www.canadagoose.com/us/en/arctic-rigger-coverall-2310M.html

I've seen more and more outdoor gear companies offer one piece adult snowsuits. I don't know why everyone who has to walk a dog in the North doesn't have one. We just went through a stretch of 10 days around -40°C and it would be so much easier to put on a one piece jumpsuit than pants, jacket, etc.

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Wind chill was around -58 up here in the Flathead. (I also love shoveling snow, but I love almost anything outdoors in winter that doesn’t involve a gas-powered engine, or electrical engine even.)

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I'm with ya on the shoveling, love it!! Although not 4x over 36 hours, that just makes me cranky!

I LOVE WINTER & will trade a 'dry' cold for sunny any day.

-56, -74, mind boggling

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Yes, the shoveling does get tiresome when it has to be done over and over.

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I have never used the word duney. My next dog's name. It's exciting out there, if you have a warm place to go.

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I made it up, and I fully endorse you taking it on! (Duney)

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My 11 year old loves shoveling! We only got a few inches and she was out there clearing the entire driveway🩷 just got word that the temps are dropping tonight here (northwest Ohio) and we’ll have -26 windchill lasting thru the day tomorrow. 🥶 I don’t envy you all way up north!

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