You are a brave soul for letting those childhood letters go:) I still have mine from over 20 years ago, but you might persuade me to send them back to their original owners. I love sending thank you notes and birthdays as well and even if they live in the same city. Thanks for the reminder to start writing again.

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I love the idea of sending cards! And I loved receiving your card out here on the Aleutians! Thank you. I am going to try to make birthday cards a priority.

And I also love the Seinfeld clip 🥰

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Northeast Arizona Native Democrats also has a large postcarding initiative, but they are shifting platforms, so it is harder to join. https://neazd-83b1fa1a0fdb.herokuapp.com/

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Many PostcardsToVoters volunteers create unique postcards like you describe, to remind Democrats to vote in upcoming elections. We'd love to have you join us https;//linktr.ee/postcardstovoters

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